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How to Draw a Sideway Fashion Model 

The third pose, the sideway pose one of the most challenging poses in fashion.  Here you will learn how to draw the sideway pose more easily through shapes. The shape you will see are the triangle, rhombus, and circle. See the body in form through them.

Step One : Head

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Draw a circle and two curves as the neck. But stop; we will continue the head later on.

Step Two: Body

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Take one of the necklines and draw a triangle. You can choose which side. At the and at the side, sketched the triangle open as shown.

Step Three: Leg

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Draw an upside-down triangle connecting the open triangle, then draw a rhombus shape for the legs, as you draw another open triangle for feet.

Add curves to shape the body as the image shown. To draw the chest, draw a curve line, connect the other neckline to the point of the triangle.  The backside draw curve going out for the upper back.

The lower back drawn a line to connect the bottom of the open triangle. Erase the inner triangle and outer lines. And connects lines together.

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Step Four: Arms

In the center near the shoulder, draw a circle as a start base use curve to draw the arm as demonstrated.

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Step Five: Side Clothes

Drawing clothes on the model on How to Draw a Shirt & How to Draw a Pants are the same. However, we draw them in the sideway position. Let’s focus on the pants, draw the outer line around the legs. Then erase the inner line. Add details head to How to Draw a Pants for the waistband, belt loop, and pocket. As you sketch, think of them in sideway view.

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Final Step: Side Head

Back to the head, we are going to shape the head in a sideway view. Start by circling the top of the head, then draw a line straight down but don’t go past the neckline. After that shape, the chin, curve the line in angle as shown.

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Side Detail

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How to draw a fashion model. A fashion model is the first key step to becoming a fashion designer. Where one can draw their clothes and show over.

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The next Rfashion guide on clothes is pants. Here you learn how to draw two type of different pants. The ordinary jeans and skinny jeans. 

The backward fashion poses. Similar to the frontward poses, the second fashion poses  to fashion model 

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